The web page you are reading right now has a floating feedback button, over on the right-hand side. As you browse through the website, the button is always there, floating above the text. You can click on it at anytime and use it to give feedback.

Why not click on it right now, and enter some test feedback? We won’t mind!

You can a floating feedback button to your site too! It is a great way for your customers to give you feedback without interrupting the task they are trying to achieve.

Here’s how to do it in four steps:

Step 1: Sign up for a free trial account of Saber Feedback.

The trial is 100% free and you don’t need to enter any credit card details.

Step 2: Create a feedback form in Saber Feedback’s app.

In Saber Feedback’s app, click on “New Feedback Form”.

Give the form a name. It can be anything and can be changed later. How about “My test form”?

This name is only for your internal use. It won’t show to your website visitors.

When you click on “Create Form”, the feedback form is created for you.

You now have a feedback form AND a feedback button to trigger it.

Step 3: Put the feedback button onto your website

To do this, you’ll either need basic coding skills, or you’ll need someone to help. It is straightforward but do need to be able to add a snippet of code to your website’s HTML.

Saber Feedback will show you some “embed code”. Copy this code snippet to your clipboard, then paste it into your HTML just before the closing </head> tag

Save your HTML. You might need to deploy to your web host.

Step 4: View your webpage, and see the floating feedback button

You should now see a floating feedback button your website.

Now your customers can use the feedback button:

The video version of this page

We made a video to make this process even clearer:

Try Saber Feedback – 30-day free trial

Saber Feedback is easy to install, customise and connect to your other tools.

It has enough flexibility to be useful, but without all the extra complexity that adds to the workload of your team.

See pricing or Learn more about Saber Feedback.