Integrating Saber Feedback with Zapier

Saber Feedback’s Zapier integration allows you to integrate with over 1,000 third-party tools. To set up a Zapier integration, first you need to log in or create an account at Zapier.

Then you need to create a new Zap, choosing Webhooks as your trigger app.

Zapier Integration

Choose Catch Hook as your trigger, and then click the Save + Continue button.

Next you’ll have the option to Pick off a Child Key, ignore this and just click the Continue button.

Zapier will then provide you with a Custom Webhook URL, copy this URL, return to Saber Feedback and choose to set up a new Zapier Integration.

Zapier Integration

Zapier Integration allows Saber Feedback to create a Zapier ticket for each feedback report. To integrate Saber Feedback with Zapier you need the following information:

Zapier Webhook URL


Paste the URL from Zapier here.



This allows you to define the title submitted through Saber Feedback. If the title contains {{summary}}, this will be replaced with a summary of the feedback reports description.

Test Settings

All integrations include a test button, which allow you to check the options you’ve specified are working correctly. Clicking the Test Settings button will send a sample feedback report using the data from the form to your Zapier account.

Clicking test settings does not save the integration, you will still need to click the Save once you are happy with settings.